Grey Gables Bed & Breakfast & Inn
A Perfect Combo

A perfect combo...a ride along the rambling back roads of
Tennessee and a hearty welcome, a restful bed and a full table at
Grey Gables Bed and Breakfast Inn.
Highway 52 was judged one of the best roads in the
outheast by Car and Driver Magazine.
We welcome Rider's to Grey Gables. It is our desire to seek the market of
those persons who enjoy the wind in their face, occasional rain on their
backs and adventure in their hearts. It is our hope to
have you come as individuals, couples or groups.
There is a variety of activities available in the area of the
Tennessee Plateau. Our Web Site highlights many of the
attractions that Riders may see as they travel through the region.
Our fare includes: lodging, evening meal and country breakfast.
The cost is $165.00 plus tax, double occupancy;
$105.00 plus tax, single occupancy.